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Normally... not a problem, into the shower for me, dressed breaky and a cuppa and out the door at 9 to be at school before the 9.10 bell.... ..NOW that is not possible and that is what let the Crankies in.
The LM knows that I can't do a lot in the mornings and what I can do I do slowly. See with a foot in plaster, crutches and stairs to deal with, and I have realised my other foot is still not as healed (read about it here) as I thought it was (because 5mins of standing on it singularly and it is begining to protest) I am not able to get up and go like I used to.
The LM makes his own lunch in the morning, sandwich, fruit and recess (muesli bar or whatever snack food I have bought for the purpose), he also gets himself dressed and breakfasted so that I don't have to deal with the winging of not wanting to wear those shorts or eat that cereal or that much or even that he didn't want that spread on his sandwich. It works for us and has for a couple of years now but every now and then he drops the ball.
THIS MORNING, he had not gotten dressed, he had not had breakfast and he had not packed his lunch, he had chosen to read for an hour.....and so with 20mins to do it all I was cross and cranky.
My anger doesn't abate quickly and so I was still grumbling as I hopped out of the house and shut the door, then proceeded to hop up the stairs ...............and that is where I came unstuck.
Because the Crankies had set in I forgot to concentrate on what I was doing, I forgot that going up a flight of stairs on crutches was difficult, and so on the last step I caught my shoe on the lip, I tripped and landed heavily on my plastered foot......
So really who does the Crankies hurt.... it turned out it only hurt me... and boy did it hurt. !!!
So once I got over the pain, hopped onto the motorised scooter and got him to school I decided that a massage was in order. My arms and back have been hurting since using the crutches and now I had hurt my foot so I needed to relax, take it in and get over it ...
WHAT do you do when the Crankies hit?
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