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Monday, September 6, 2010

Week-a-Boo ~ A peek into your weekEND

What a weekend. . . I wanted to share it with you all but how I am too tired to write about it all... then I found this idea on Sunny Mummy's Blog who found it on Paper Scissons Rock.

So take a peak at my WeekEND in pictures ... xoxo

Starting Friday night I picked up my Geelong visitors Jo and Lo from the airport and we stopped in at Newtown for Noodles for dinner and a little window shopping. Then I thought... what the hell lets go for a drive so through newtown to the city, Kings Cross, Paddington and Oxford street and of course the logical progression was BONDI... and of course Bondi never disappoints ... this is what we found at 8pm !

Check out their site on Facebook.. they call themselves the Fire Fairys and apparently get together every now and them to put on a show... the people in the background are from a photography group... would love to see some of their pics these were taken on my phone but still fire on the beach at night is beautiful..... Oh and this is one of the things on my bucket list of life.

NOTE: found the pics  here

Saturday saw my LM head of to his Dads for the day and me heading off to house inspections so the girls hopped on a bus, ferry, and train to Summer Bay (aka Palm beach) for the day what else would avid Home and Away fans do on a day out in Sydney.  Was totally impressed by their happiness and ability to do all this transport on their own (I can't do buses to save myself!)

Saturday afternoon I headed up to Leichhardt Oval to see my LM play with his team in an exhibition game.. was totally impressed with his game, and even more impressed when he was playing again the under 8's (he is in the 7's) and got in a couple of tackles..
I think he was pretty impressed with himself too... especially when he got his trophy for the seasons participation.

After getting him home, showed and packed off to L & T's for the night it was time for the girls to meet back up and get ready for a night out on the time... We scrub up well if I do say so myself...

Dinner at BBQ King, followed by dancing at the Shelbourne Hotel where we met some lovely blokes out on a Bucks night and had a great time dancing... chatting and a few drinks. Then off to Retro Hotel for some more dancing and fun... and to top off the night a look see at Star City Casino... where we tried to learn the rules of Roulette but we were not successful and definitely not confident enough to put any money on the table.

 Oh and then home ..... at 4am!!!!

Sunday saw sun instead of rain, a quick trip to pick Will up the T&L's and then drop him to his dad for an afternoon at the Swans match and Us girls were off to the Bondi markets and some Sand and Sun to finish off the weekend of fun..

Its amazing how much you see and appreciate when you are being the tour guide...  How beautiful is the Bondi road view of Bondi Surf!!!

I thought I had found some shoes for my sisters wedding and after her approval I tried them on ... But unfortunately they didn't look very nice on frankenfoot so back to the search I go!... But I did buy some georgeous earrings ... I needed some red ones and for $5....... I couldn't go past them!

Some Sushi and a walk along the beach finished up the afternoon
This is the face you get when you are surprised by a wave

Phew... what a wonderful weekend... though I am going to need a month of early nights to get over it!

What did you do?

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